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Your dream wedding venue awaits. Choose from any of our unique and historic settings to celebrate your special occasion. Every detail of your event will be seamlessly and creatively composed, from concept to execution. Let our experienced and dedicated team bring your vision to life.

Client Journey
Choose from our venues and services.
Pick your dream location from our list of venues and let us know by filling out the inquiry form. We will process your request, and our team will contact you within 1–2 business days.
Schedule a personal meeting and a visit of the venue.
Pick your dream location from our list of venues and let us know by filling out the inquiry form. We will process your request, and our team will contact you within 1–2 business days.
Enjoy an unforgettable experience.
On your special day, a team led by your event manager will ensure everything runs smoothly.
Your opinion is important to us.
We would be delighted if you could share your impressions and experiences with us after the event, helping us continuously improve based on your valuable feedback.

Dobrý den. Ráda bych Vám tímto poděkovala za skvělou organizaci našeho obřadu, který byl teď v sobotu 15. 7. 2023. Všechno se Vám povedlo, máte velmi příjemné vystupování, což se shodla i naše rodina. V tom obleku Vám to náramně slušelo, a hlavně moc děkuji za skvělou organizaci a pomoc ještě před uskutečněním svatby (korespondence, schůzky na jaře apod). Jste úžasný člověk a věřím, že hrad je v dobrých rukou <3 Hezký den, Vejdělkovi

What a wonderful and unforgettable wedding day we had. It is a truly beautiful memory, more than we could possibly dream of, and we will treasure it for the rest of our lives. We were fortunate to be able to live our big day at Lobkowicz Palace, to have vendors that were kind and professional and, that with your help, they needed no more from us on the day. Thank you for all of it.

What comes to my mind when you say wedding at Lobkowicz palace? Luxry, class, style, endless elegance. But also professionalism, reliability and top service. Fro my clients is absolutelly important to have venue which is not just beautiful, but where we can also rely on everyone and everything, where we know that we get the best professional service and we can just enjoy the day.
The amazing location in the heart of Prague could not be better, as well as the view form the balcony. Tasty food, great wine, this all makes together perfect day. Being there is feeling like at home, where everyone knows you and do not just what is required, but also beyond. I never hesitate to recommend my clinets Lobkowicz palace, cause I know it is always worth.

Lobkowiczký palác je skvělou volbou pro uspořádání svatby. Pokud zvažujete svatbu v Praze, kam jinam jít, než přímo do areálu Pražského hradu. Zároveň poskytuje soukromí a ten nejlepší výhled na Prahu. Díky rozsáhlým prostorám nabízí plno možností na různé scénáře a druhy setupů. Celkový luxus podtrhuje jejich catering, ale hlavně personál. Na akcích roky potkávám stále stejné tváře a díky tomu se cítím jako doma. Vždy se upřímně těším na každou naši další spolupráci.
Wedding Inquiry
Are you interested in renting one of our venues for an event? Please fill out this form and a member of our team will respond to you within 1–2 business days.
Can we help you?
Please contact us if you have any questions.

Pavel Hýsek
Sales & Events Director